About Me

I’m Chad. I’m a practicing Physical Therapist in Washington state and I love to run. I really enjoy cycling, swimming and lifting weights as well, but running is my favorite.

A large part of my Physical Therapy education focused on the application of scholarly research to rehabilitation. Spending time reviewing literature was the fun part of PT school. So, I started this site primarily as way to continue that tradition and  disseminate the latest research in exercise physiology and injury prevention.

I hope you can find some of the content informative, and maybe borderline entertaining. 

Contact Me

(Please visit the “Disclaimers” page for more information on what this site is not.)

Doctor of Physical Therapy

University of North Dakota, Grand Forks


b.s. in exercise physiology

University of North Dakota, Grand Forks

Running Enthusiast

Competed in every distance from the 1 mile to the marathon. Even won a (small) race or two.

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

National Strength and Conditioning Association

What Does the research say?

What does the latest research in exercise physiology and physical activity tell us? How can we apply this information to our training and overall health? Well, I read the boring stuff so you don’t have to! Check out the blog to find out the latest news.

To the blog!